Our vision to Football

We play football ..

.. To make Goals.

.. With loads of variation.

.. From a tight collective.

.. With high intensity.

At DISA our goal is always to win and entertain the crowd, At the same time we always play with the intent of making goals.

DISA football distinguishes itself by players constantly making choices depending on the situation to surprise our opponent, Thus making them respond and us controlling the how and when in the game.

Players take a lot of initiative and are required to move a lot with or without the ball. We like to make a lot of positional changes and play with a lot of depth in our game.

We always enter the pitch with courage and conviction, we believe in yourself and always go all the way to win games. We are not afraid to excel and are convinced with solid play comes victory.

Also playing as a team is an important part of our vision, this means that we want to play well together as a team and form a solid collective. Every player knows his role in the team and players are encouraged to support and correct each other in a positive way. Every player knows the weakness of his teammate and takes this into account.

Our game is played with high intensity, We are showing this with aggression, passion and energy while being on offense and defense end of the game.


We play DISA football with players who..

..Understand the game.

..Dare to make decisions in a game.

..Both Physical and technical in optimal condition.

..27/7 result based.

.. Have a strong Personality.

To play DISA football we require a certain type of player, in our vision this is a combination of talent, the ability to develop him/her self and personality.

DISA players are taught the essence of technical football skills from a young age onwards, they do not only know what to do but also understand the reasoning behind it.

When players understand the game they are better capable of making the right decision in different situations throughout the match. They will be able to make rapid decisions creating space and opportunity for their teammates.

A DISA player is aware of his own unique playing style, qualities and limitations and uses these to an optimal extent, The player is Technically and Physically in an optimal condition so he can handle the vision and tactics played by DISA on the highest level.

The DISA player is above all a top athlete, always busy with improving and making the best out of himself. During training, matches and other activities he will do everything in his ability to win and be the best he can be. The player must have the personality to be a real top athlete and must be motivated and driven to meet his ambitions

Our players possess discipline and motivation to master every detail of the game, They are resilient under stress, exhaustion, disappointment and seek a resolution in every change that occurs. They believe that working hard towards their targets every day gives them the skills to master all requirements needed.


We influence the players..

..By having them work on resolutions.

.. Reflect upon themselves.

.. Helping them with a personal development plan.

..Working and playing in a team.

.. By making them push boundaries and cross them.

In our vision we try to make every football training and match as close as it gets to the real thing, This way players are constantly challenged to give it all and think outside of the box. We do not tell players what to do but challenge them on what they could have done better in order for them to improve. We also achieve this by picking the right training forms that support this vision.

Self-reflection is very important in our vision, this way players are more aware of their development. This way we want the player to set goals, execute, evaluate and repeat.

We place the individual first, We believe that personal attention is essential to develop and perform. When given personal attention and genuine interest players will develop much faster. Every player has certain strengths  and weaknesses by giving them a personal development plan aimed at their strengths without forgetting their weaknesses, they will develop much faster.

Training Staff will take development of each individual player into account but will also focus on football principles, Physical readiness and a top athlete environment for the whole team.

We also find it very important that players can work in a team and get along with others in a respectful way, Some of the group forming training we believe in, are how to communicate with others and how to behave. Learning and dealing with other cultures and learning about each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Every training we will push the players to the limits and even cross them occasionally and ask the best of every situation.


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